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Aug 31, 2021

This podcast has a simple message, “live like tomorrow matters”! This week I talk about future steading with another Gipplsander  Jade Miles, about her passion for living a much simpler and conscious life and why small change leads to big change.

In this episode we will explore:

  • Jade's life journey and black barn...

Aug 24, 2021

Relationships are never easy. Our relationship conditioning comes from those relationships witnessed as children and often do not give us the correct tools and skills for effective communication and why they often fail or are unfulfilling. In this week’s podcast episode we discuss all things relationships with

Aug 17, 2021

Many of us think trauma has to be something big like sudden death, health diagnosis like disease or cancer, accident, sexual abuse, witnessing war or natural disaster, but many of us experience small micro traumas every day. Especially in this pandemic constant lockdown world, we are all facing and so in this episode,...

Aug 10, 2021

Music heals! Music like the smell of essential oils has the capacity to shift our thoughts, emotions, and physical energy in an instant. This week we explore the power of music with a dear friend and client of mine, singer-songwriter Maja Puseljic

In this episode, we dive deep into:

  • Maja music and business journey.

Aug 3, 2021

Journaling is one tool many of us do not utilise enough! Journaling is a great tool to manage our thoughts, emotions, and other challenges in life. In this week's episode, we dive deep into a magical conversation with Donna Lo Bartolo Shiel, a dear friend, and client about journaling, meditation, and some fascinating...